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Deferred Repayment of Flexible Subsidy Loans  

HUD published Policies and Procedures for the Deferred Repayment of Operating Assistance Flexible Subsidy Loans  

The Department’s policies and procedures for approving an owner’s request to defer repayment of an Operating Assistance Flexible Subsidy Loan in conjunction with a mortgage prepayment, mortgage expiration, mortgage insurance termination, or the sale of a project.

Approval of deferred repayment of Operating Assistance Flexible Subsidy Loans (sometimes referred to as Flexible Subsidy Loans) requires a waiver by the Assistant Secretary for Housing, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Commissioner, of regulations found at 24 CFR 219.220(b).

If you need assistance in preparing a proposal for deferral repayment of a Flexible Subsidy Loan, contact me for assistance. 

Alvin L. Sutherlin
Housing Consultant
Post Office Box 162
Mount Rainier, Maryland 20712-0162
Voice Number: 301-277-3465

4104-29th Street
Mount Rainier, Maryland 20712-1820
