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Sec 8 AAF Rent Adjustment

Section 8 Contract Rents Adjusted by Published AAF and Special Adjustment Factors

Section 8 AAF Rent Increase (Projects with original contracts) - If your contract was effective during the 1980s and early 1990s and have not expired, and your contract rents are increased through the application of the Annual Adjustment Factors (AAF), I can assist you in preparing a request for a rent increase.  

Your request must be submitted at least 60-days prior to the anniversary date of the contract.  If HUD or the Contract Administrator receives your request for a rent increase after the contract anniversary date, your request will be denied. 


There are certain types of special rent increases that are allowed by law for rents calculated using the Annual Adjustment Factor (AAF) method.

Types of Special Rent Increases. 

HUD may approve special rent adjustments to cover a substantial and general increase in real property taxes, assessments, utility rates and hazard insurance increases, where the increased cost is not sufficiently covered by the annual AAF adjustment. There is no due date for special rent adjustments.

 HUD instructions for submission for special rent adjustments are no longer in the public domain. When I retired from HUD as an Asset Manager, I retained those instructions.

 If you need my services for submission of an annual AAF Rent Adjustment and/or for special rent adjustments for your property, please let me know.


Alvin L. Sutherlin

Housing Consultant

Post Office Box 162

Mount Rainier, Maryland 20712-0162


Voice Number: 301-277-3465


Overnight Mail:

4104-29th Street

Mount Rainier, Maryland 20712-1820





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Date Updated: 09/27/2023 03:40:49 AM